All suppliers listed on STARDEAL frameworks and contracts have to meet one fundamental requirement: they must have been awarded a public framework or contract as a result of a fair, transparent and compliant public procurement process undertaken by STARDEAL or one of its partner organisations.
Only by offering their most competitive prices, service levels and terms for their goods and services during a public tender process can suppliers have an opportunity to be awarded a framework or contract. Suppliers who wish to supply the public sector via the frameworks and contracts let by STARDEAL will find useful information in this part of our website.
STARDEAL currently works with several suppliers, some supplying products for our 25,000 item catalogue and others providing goods and services as part of our extensive range of national and regional frameworks and client specific public contracts.
We are often asked how to become an STARDEAL supplier. We aren’t able to simply ‘approve’ or ‘add’ suppliers to a ‘list’ - all opportunities to become an STARDEAL awarded supplier are advertised in an open and transparent tender process. In this part of the website we aim to help guide you through this process with straightforward advice and useful information.
The process explained All of STARDEAL's tender exercises are conducted through the subscription process on the Stardeal process. Therefore, the only way to participate in a tender process to supply goods or services to STARDEAL or our customers is to provide your details using the Supplier Subscription.
If you have any difficulty registering or logging in, the portal has its own helpdesk service to assist you. Use contact us or call us on 00000000000
Stardeal supplier Help Starrde (self-help guide) Email
As part of the supplier registration form, you can register your interest in specific areas of work, using CPV (common procurement vocabulary) category codes for various goods or services. This will allow you to receive notifications about opportunities as and when they arise.
Once you have identified an opportunity that you wish to tender for, you must register your expression of interest in order to subsequently access tenders. Once the tender opportunity opens, you must submit via the website all of the required documentation and supporting information by the deadline stated in the advertisement.
Our procurement teams will then evaluate all tenders received against the criteria outlined, and approve your Subscription. this may be to one or many suppliers, as appropriate. The outcome will be communicated to all tenderers.
Suppliers that have been awarded the contract will then be made available for STARDEAL's customers to order from. Depending on the format of the tender, this may be through our catalogue, our frameworks, or a Stardeal procurement for a specific customer.
Further advertising of opportunities As well as advertising all opportunities on Stardeal Subscription s, we also advertise opportunities though one or more of the following three websites, depending on the contract value:
To ensure compliance with both EU and UK procurement legislation, the majority of STARDEAL framework and contract opportunities over a specified value are also advertised to the entire market via the above websites - although the tender process still takes place solely on Stardeal Subscription
If suppliers choose to monitor the above websites for information on a regular basis, they can access opportunities placed by other organisations that may be of interest to them.